Review: Brazen Tongue – Of Crackling Embers and Sorrows Drowned (2024)

“Of Crackling Embers & Sorrows Drowned” is the debut album by the American band Brazen Tongue. The band isn’t entirely American today, as half of the duo lives in Gothenburg, Sweden. Additionally, the duo has found two session musicians on drums and bass who come from the USA and France. It’s actually a bit difficult to categorize Brazen Tongue into a specific genre. But one could say that they belong mostly in melodic death metal. However, the band blends in elements of progressive metal and thrash metal in the mix. One can also find quite a few other genres in Brazen Tongue, so “Of Crackling Embers & Sorrows Drowned” has become a varied affair. The album also sounds very professional. But perhaps it becomes a bit too clean and polished. A little too clinical at times. A bit too perfect at times. But, mind you, it’s not necessarily negative. However, it’s more compelling when the emotions in the music break through the production. There’s a lot of good music to be found on the album, and I enjoy parts of what I hear. But there are also quite a few sections that don’t quite hit the mark. Nevertheless, this is a good debut album, and the band has a promising future if their next album is even better.

Release June 7, 2024 independently.

Rating: 7 out of 10.

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